Monday, June 11, 2007

Krohn's Conservatory

Krohn's Conservatory had a new display for African butterflies. They started a new policy where only photographers can enter for three of the evenings the display is open. These photos were taken on the last of these reserved evenings. Stacey and I went for the evening and ended the night at El Pueblos (excellent Mexican in Blue Ash).


Anonymous said...

Nice. I like the profile shots the most.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Matt (Ami again)

NICE! I was wondering about going to the conservatory and getting some shots. I love the last butterfly. NICE angle!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliments. These were captured using a Tamron 90/2.8 - I borrowed it at the show. I am new to macro work, so a lot of my shots were poor due to narrow DOF. Andy will work with me to show me how to improve I;m sure.